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Deborah Sundahl

[caption id="Deborah Sundahl" align="alignleft" width="200"]Deborah Sundahl Deborah Sundahl[/caption]
Hot off the press news today, ladiez - we've just received confirmation that Deborah Sundahl is to lecture at  Sh! in May 2011.
WHEN:Thursday, 19th May, 2011
WHERE:Sh! Portobello,
HOW MUCH: £30 (including bubbly and cup-cakes)
Deborah Sundahl will be joining the Sh! Girlz for an evening of G-spot talk! High priestess of the G-Spot, Deborah wrote the revolutionary 'Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot', the very first book to seriously discuss the G-spot as a focus of female pleasure.
The G-Spot is possibly the most looked-for 'hot button' of female arousal, and G-spot toys have brought immense pleasure to thousands of women since the publication of Deborah's book. Sh! is very proud to be hosting this event about all things G-Spot.
Buy tickets soon, ladiez - we're expecting this night to be a sell-out success!

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